Top 7 Halloween Suit Costumes

TOM Stands for Take Off More!!
When I was a kid, I was too busy working at my father’s used clothing store to take part in Halloween. We did, however, get the odd customer who came in looking for something that could be used for a last minute costume.
I have to admit that Tom’s Place may not be the best place to purchase your next Halloween costume, unless you’re in need of a top quality suit for the best possible price in the city! We pride ourselves on dressing our customers in the finest merchandise for all seasons.
But… just because you’re playing dress up doesn’t mean you should not look fantastic!
If you’re short on time and looking for some creative, suitable, ideas for a Halloween costume, we’ve got you covered.
Top 7 Halloween Costumes for the Suited Man
#1: A Wedding Singer

Get the Look: A Wedding Singer
This costume is based on the 1998 comedy titled “The Wedding Singer” with funny man Adam Sandler. If you’ve ever had big dreams of being a rock star, but had to settle for small gigs in reception halls, this is the costume for you.
For extra authenticity, make sure you carry a mic and repeatedly say “Well, I have a microphone and you don’t. So you will listen to every damn word I have to say!”
#2: Superman – Man Of Steel

Get the Look: Superman – Man of Steel
Doesn’t every man wish they had abs of steel? This costume is a great combination of silly/superhero and it’s super easy to pull off!
All you need is either a superman t-shirt or the top half of a costume to wear underneath a plain white dress shirt. Make sure the top 3 or 4 buttons of your shirt are unbuttoned beneath the tie to reveal your “alter ego”. Finish off the look with a pinstripe or dark coloured suit along with a solid, dark coloured tie, casually slung over the shoulder.
#3: Zombie

Get the Look: Zombie
If you’re one of the 10 million who have followed the Walking Dead TV show for the past 7 seasons, you know that this zombie genre has taken on a life of it’s own and refuses to die.
To get this look, you have to be willing to sacrifice some of your older clothing, or perhaps buy some really cheap items at the second hand store. Either way, get ready to beat up, stain, burn and destroy!
#4: Don Draper (Mad Men)

Get the Look: Don Draper from Mad Men
Would you rather your costume be simple yet significant? Grab one of your slim fitted suits, a thin retro tie, and white dress shirt and go for the Man Men look. The hair should be clean cut and slicked back with a side part. A vest could also be a great compliment to this look and don’t forget the white pocket square.
For extra authenticity, be sure to have a cigarette and Old Fashioned cocktail in hand at all times.
#5: The Donald

Get the Look: Donald Trump
Whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit that Donald Trump is one of the most highly recognizable characters out there.
The look is fairly easy to accomplish: Dark suit, white dress shirt and red tie to start. But, the costume would not be complete without the trademark blonde wig, which can be found and purchased at most party stores or online.
For extra authenticity, say something offensive every 5-7 minutes.
#6: 1920’s Gangster

Get the Look: 1920s Gangster
Back in the 1920s, men’s fashion was roaring. And the deadly gangsters and hit men of that time were wearing 3 piece suits, baggy enough to hide their weapons.
Be sure not to forget important details like suspenders, caps and big daddy cigars.
For extra authenticity, find some foam blocks, paint them grey and attach to your feet aka “swimming with the fishes”.
#7: 70’s Detective

Get the Look: 70s Detective
Whether or not you decide to play the sleazy detective or no- nonsense cop in plain clothes, you can have a lot of fun with the 70s detective genre.
For extra authenticity, get creative with the facial hair. If you’re not one of those lucky gents who gets the 5 o’clock shadow by noon, there are many options out there for fake side burns and/or moustaches.
About Tom:
A leading retailer of designer men’s suits and accessories in Toronto’s Kensington Market since 1958. Tom’s Place offers brand name men’s wear and business apparel at below retail prices.
Tom’s Place is unique. You’ll get a friendly welcome from the owner, Tom Mihalik, and helpful service from his knowledgeable sales staff and tailors.
On November 5 Tom sponsored a charity boxing night.